Anger Management
What is Anger and Temperamental Issues?:
It is typically characterized by feelings of stress, frustration, and irritation.
Everyone feels anger from time to time. It’s a perfectly normal response to frustrating or difficult situations. Anger only becomes a problem when it’s excessively displayed and begins to affect your daily functioning and the way you relate with people.
Anger doesn’t look the same in everyone and we all express it in different ways. Some outward characteristics you might notice when you are angry include:
- Raised voices
- Clenched fists
- Frowning or scowling
- A clenched jaw
- Physically trembling
- Rapid heartbeats
- Sweating excessively
- Pacing excessively
Anger is a completely normal and typically healthy emotion. However, it can be detrimental to both your emotional and physical health when you lose control of it. When you are angry your body goes through some physiological and biological changes. Your heart rate quickens and your blood pressure spikes. Your body also releases hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. Putting your body through these changes often, by repeatedly getting angry, can lead to medical conditions and complications such as
- High blood pressure
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Substance abuse
Causes of Anger:
Dealing with the loss of a loved one
Losing a job
Going through a breakup
Failing at a job or a task
Being fatigued
Getting in an accident or getting a condition that causes physical changes in your body (for example, losing your sight or your ability to walk)
Anger is a normal emotion we all feel, and most people, can find ways to express it in a healthy way. However, some people need treatment. The most a common way to treat excessive anger is with therapy.